A Perfect Life
The musical
Reviewed by Kenneth Lyen
Raffles Hall "A Perfect Life" the musical
Raffles Hall is the only National University of Singapore hall of residence that has consistently written produced and performed their own original musicals. In 2011, I was invited by Raffles Hall master, Associate Professor Ho Chee Kong, to watch and give advice and comments on their annual hall musical. Every year from then onwards, I have diligently attended all the hall musicals, and have given them my feedback. Over the years, the standard has steadily improved, and this year is no exception.
Just three weeks earlier, I watched the complete run-through of the musical, and I commented that there were some major flaws, ranging from an unclear storyline, to the indistinct articulation of words and song lyrics. But today I was absolutely amazed by the total transformation of the musical. The plot became much clearer, the songs were beautifully delivered, the acting, dancing, set design, costume design, lighting, etc… were a quantum leap into another stratosphere, emitting a mass of energy. Wow!

The story revolves around five Raffles Hall undergraduate students, each having a personal problem, and dreaming to have their problems solved. Theodore, played by Kenneth Teo, is upset by his parents' impending divorce, and he wants them to get back together. Leanne, played by Clarissa Khor, comes from a poor family, and she wants to get onto the Dean’s List and win a scholarship which would greatly ease their family’s financial burden. Lucas, played by Keanu Kho, is a dancer who becomes paralyzed, and he desires to be able to walk and dance again. Celeste, played by Kristine Lee, has no friends and wishes to be well-liked and popular. Joshua, played by He Zhenyu, wants to be able to express himself through music and to be able to sing. Their teacher Marilyn, played by Sabrina Yeo, sets them an assignment to write a musical.

While working on the project, the students are kicked out of the library at midnight. They decide to go into a deserted room which is believed to be haunted. Unexpectedly, they stumble upon a magical wish-book, and they discover that by signing their names into the book, their deepest desires can be fulfilled. Miraculously, Theodore’s parents come back together; Leanne is placed on the Dean’s List and wins a scholarship; Lucas can walk and dance again; Celeste becomes very popular and is often invited out; and Joshua finds that he can sing very well indeed. What a perfect paradise! But slowly the five friends realize they are imprisoned in an unrealistic musical world with sinister undertones. The ruler is Evelyn, a doppelganger of their teacher Marilyn, who informs them that they can only be released from this world if they all agree to leave together, otherwise they are trapped in this musical world for the rest of their lives.
Initially the boys are reluctant to leave this utopia, but slowly they realize that they are merely fooling themselves and should face reality. They decide to return to their own world, and tackle their problems and disabilities the old-fashioned, if somewhat tedious and arduous, way. Evelyn releases them from this ominous world. Once back in class, they present their unusual experiences for their musical assignment, and end with a sensational finale song, “Trapped in a Musical”.
What is remarkable is the speed with which this musical converted itself from a meandering performance into a heartfelt powerful piece of work. The triumvirate directors, Regina Lio, Chan Chi Yin and Jedidiah Huang, have done an excellent job making the story and dialogue very clear.

Ervin Cheng wrote the book of the musical and he must be complimented for a humorous and tight script. Most memorable is his comparison of the paralyzed but now dancing Lucas to a “Stephen Hawking of dance”! Gregory Tan wrote most of the lyrics and was helped by Ervin Cheng in some of them. Lim Zhen Heng composed three of the songs including the catchy “Trapped in a Musical”. Other composers include Lohsshini Sethu Pathy, Lim Ee Teck, and Bond Lee Chiang Eu. The songs have great melodies, and they are sung with conviction.

The choreography was very imaginative and the dancing well-synchronized. Many audience members praised the wonderful dancing. The sets were designed so that they could be manoeuvred easily and quickly. The costumes were appropriately styled, and allowed us to distinguish the different characters readily. Lighting was evocative, and lit up the scenes very sensitively. One must not forget the music arrangers, the orchestra, the conductor and the musicians. They did a brilliant job giving the musical the full range of emotions.

Good lighting is essential to see the characters and sets, but lighting designers do more than just ensure visibility; they must also capture the mood of the environment. This was achieved with perfection by Kee Soo Cheng and Chia Sing.

Managing such a massive enterprise is very daunting, and kudos must go to the producers and co-producers. Gregory Tan was one of the two main producers, and he doubled up as a lyricist for three songs. Tan Jun Rong was the other main producer. Support given by the JCRC president Daniel Chia, and Vice-President Chong Khe Yang are equally important in such a large production.

Associate Professor Stella Tan was heavily involved in this musical, and much of the success must go to her. She is always optimistic and incredibly full of energy. Finally, one must not forget Associate Professor Ho Chee Kong, the Master of Raffles Hall. It is he who restarted the annual musical production nine years ago, insisting that it is an original work, created by Raffles Hall students. I must thank him most wholeheartedly for getting me involved in the past nine musicals. I know that these hall musicals will transform the lives of the students and will remain in their memories forever.

Congratulations Raffles Hall!
Reviewed by Kenneth Lyen
19 October 2019.

Credit for the performance photographs below go to the Raffles Hall Board of Photography 2019: