Covid-19 Inspired Images
Text by Kenneth Lyen

Creativity is a common response to tragedy. Many writers, artists and musicians have generated outstanding works of art during times of adversity. What makes Covid-19 different is that much of the response to this terrible affliction, which has caused disease, economic collapse and death, is rather unexpected. There is a cloudburst of humor found in new songs, cartoons, and videos, flooding the internet, the television, and print publications. There is an astonishing amount of creativity and humor generated by this pandemic. They provide us with comic relief, literally! I therefore decided to devote on entire write-up focusing on standalone cartoon illustrations, and to exclude cartoon strips. I hope you agree with me that the artistic creativity and sense of humor shown below is absolutely spectacular.

Perhaps the most outstanding personality associated with the novel coronavirus is none other than the president of the United States, Donald Trump. He almost single-handedly ignited most of the jokes and satire that makes Covid-19 one of the best-remembered pandemics of modern civilization. If you are not a Trump supporter, I apologise for devoting so many pages to this historic icon. At least he gives me a good laugh!

One of the hallmarks of Covid-19 is the widespread wearing of masks. For a while there was some reluctance in recommending this measure, but there is now enough scientific data to validate the efficacy of this approach in curbing the spread of the coronavirus. Wearing masks can save thousands of lives.

This is one of the important actions that can help reduce the spread of Covid-19. Just keep away from each other. Many events have been canceled or postponed, including the Tokyo Olympics scheduled for July 2020. It is also a source of great humor.

“Stay home!” is being shouted out from all media. Singapore students and businessmen returning home from overseas are given a “Stay Home Notice” or SHN. Some of them stay in beautiful hotels rather than in their overcrowded homes. Businesses, wherever possible, are asked to be conducted from home. Schools are closed, and all children are staying at home, causing a bit of friction. Some people enjoy being at home rather than going to work, while others become depressed by the isolation.

The public’s response to official restrictions to movements and activities is to go panic shopping. Supermarkets are suddenly depleted of toilet paper, rice, eggs, instant noodles, vegetables, etc.

Businesses are frozen, stocks and shares are heading towards disaster, unemployment is rising. We are entering a gargantuan recession, thanks to this invisible enemy. We dare not think of the pending worldwide consequences!

Country borders are closed, international travel is at a standstill. Airlines are going bankrupt, hotels are empty, tourist resorts are deserted. Coronavirus is infecting cruise ships and they are not allowed to dock, thus passengers are stranded at sea and allowed to pass the infection on, and a few passed on.

This novel coronavirus is one of the most successful pandemic viruses of the 21st century, managing to infect over 1 million people in over 200 countries, and killing over 60,000 people (and climbing). It has caused economic chaos which will lead to further havoc. Wow, you have changed the course of history! Sorry, Donald... you narrowly lost out!

Probably the most important method of curtailing spread of the coronavirus is handwashing. But the least interesting in terms of cartoon humor! Still, we try!

We recruit classic cartoon characters to join in the fight against the coronavirus.

Famous pieces of art have also been employed to help fight Covid-19. Here are some examples of the consequences of social distancing and staying at home. I have included the original art piece to demonstrate the differences.

I think the above cartoons confirm that out of the ashes of a tragedy rises not just one, but an entire flock of creative phoenixes. The phoenixes symbolise our rebirth, our passionate fire, our renewed strength and determination. They also give hope to the survivors, and they embody our creativity and our sense of humor, which are probably the most important attributes that will tide us over the next century when the next pandemic promises to come our way. Let us not let this current pandemic go to waste, and use it for our own education.
I anticipate radical changes in the way we work. Medicine will become more sensitive to early manifestation of infections, research into new methods of diagnosis, treatment and prevention of infections will be of higher priority. The way that businesses are conducted will change, now that we have discovered much of it can be conducted at home and there is no need to go overseas for business deals. The travel and entertainment industry will have to learn to be more robust to avoid future collapse. Education will discover the pros and cons of distance- and computer-assisted learning. Shops will have better stores of goods and products that the public tend to buy in a panic. Governments will learn to work more closely with the people to tackle infections.
Let us learn not to be self-centred but to develop an inner core of altruism. Let us learn how to work with one another, to give each other support. And let us have the wisdom to plan ahead, and to tackle future threats speedily and decisively. Procrastination is deadly. On the other hand, if the coronavirus has been the catalyst to unite the world into one family, and shown us that we should always tell the truth, and not hide anything from one another, then I think the virus has done us a favor.
Images compiled by, and text written by Kenneth Lyen
7 April 2020, updated 21 April 2020
Someone asked me if there were masks for dogs. So I googled, and to my amazement, yes, there are indeed masks for dogs!

Being someone who believes in an inclusive philosophy, I decided to google if there were masks for other animals? And again to my astonishment, there are masks for cats too! Wow!