Picayune thoughts by Kenneth Lyen

Recently, in the middle of the Covid-19 pandemic, I have heard the use of “pitstop” to refer to hospitals setting up an area for patients to receive services and treatment by multiple healthcare professionals concurrently, just as how racing cars are serviced quickly by several mechanics in the middle of a race.

However, there are other connotations embedded in the use of the word pitstop. For example, it may conjure up the image of a guy falling into a pit and stopped in his tracks.

And then there are some overseas countries that use the word pitstop to refer to public toilets where you stop at a restroom to empty something that I won’t mention. Some people refer to a toilet break as a pitstop. I wonder if the pronunciation of "pitstop" sounds a bit like "piss stop"? Nah!

Thus, there are negative nuances in the word pitstop and I wonder if people are aware of this? Guess not!

Written by Kenneth Lyen
17 October 2021